Fitness Band

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Doershappy offers a wide range of fitness bands designed to cater to different workout needs, including loop bands, pull-up bands, hip bands, wristbands, and pedal pullers. Loop bands are versatile resistance bands that help in strength training, stretching, and rehabilitation exercises, making them ideal for muscle toning. Pull-up bands assist users in improving upper body strength by providing support during pull-ups and other resistance exercises. Hip bands, made of thick fabric, enhance lower body workouts by targeting the glutes, hips, and thighs, improving stability and strength. Wristbands from Doershappy are designed to absorb sweat and provide a firm grip during intense workouts like weightlifting, running, or yoga. Additionally, the pedal puller is a full-body workout tool that strengthens the arms, legs, and core while enhancing flexibility and endurance. Doershappy ensures that all its fitness bands are made from high-quality, durable materials, offering various resistance levels to suit beginners and advanced fitness enthusiasts alike. Whether for home workouts, gym training, or rehabilitation purposes, Doershappy’s fitness bands provide an effective and convenient way to achieve fitness goals. Their commitment to innovation and quality makes them a trusted name in the Indian fitness industry.

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  • Address: G-53, Jai Vihar Ext. Ph-3 Baprola,
    Najafgarh, New Delhi-43
  • Email: info@doershappy.com
  • Phone: 7065450165 - 92679639224